Thursday, July 2, 2015

MTI 562 Final Assessment

For our final MTI assessment, we are to grade one of our projects we created using a rubric.  I chose to use our class project rubric. My students receive my rubrics ahead of time for a few big assignments, so they have them to refer to while they work on their project. I have been referring to our rubric throughout this class, as well.  It really helps me to understand what I needed to have completed. The project I chose to grade was from week #3.  We were to apply a web tool we had previously learned to an assignment we do in class.  I chose to use Wordle with character traits.

I feel I had great understanding of the project and provided evidence by using an additional web tool to better present a complete understanding by my readers.  I kept my explanation of the lesson in a sequential order for my readers to understand how to teach the character trait lesson.  

In the rubrics I give my students, I always add in creativity and effort.  I believe the Completion category is probably referring to effort also in this rubric.  In creativity, I want to see my students add a little more thought in making it their own by using graphics, color, fonts, etc.  With my Wordle project, I felt that I presented my creativity in enhancing my graphic by using Jing and color.